Jockum Nordström at Zeno X Gallery

”40 years Zeno X Gallery - the two-thousands”, Zeno X Gallery, Antwerpen, Belgium, 24.9—12.11 2022

N. Dash, Jan De Maesschalck, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Kees Goudzwaard, Susan Hartnett, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Naoto Kawahara, Martin Margiela, Philip Metten, Paulo Monteiro, Jockum Nordström, Marina Rheingantz, Pietro Roccasalva, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle, Mircea Suciu and Jack Whitten.


For more information:

September 24, 2022