Thomas Broomé at Bendana | Pinel

”A Table for One”, Bendana | Pinel, Paris, France, 20.5—1.7 2017

Thomas Broomé uses repetition as a recurring technique in his art production – playing with words and forms.


Owing to his great command of perspective, Broomé depicts and builds structures with words in his works on paper and paintings. And words have a leading role in this process - their repetition generates the forms the picture is made of, by closely overlapping the sign and the represented item.
With his new 3D work, Thomas Broomé challenges his own artistic technique and method of representation, thanks to digital technology. Everyday items, technological products and artist’s work – his 3D printed «text-objects» are a visual surprise.


Both background and form, multiple and single words are being used for conceptualisation and design purposes, as well as to delimit space, surface and the very materiality of the text-object ; table, chaire, vase, carpet...
Broomé skilfully plays with words and things by defying our representation system. He naturally introduces his text-objects into a sophisticated representation universe, simple and complex at a time.

A table for one
 installation is perfectly in line with Broomé’s plan to blur our understanding.


More information:

May 20, 2017