Jens Fänge & Klara Kristalova at Perrotin Tokyo

”Head in the Clouds”, Perrotin Tokyo, Japan, 9.2–19.3 2022

From press release:

Perrotin Tokyo is pleased to present Head in the Clouds, a group exhibition featuring thirteen Perrotin artists. The concept of this presentation plays with the idiom "head in the clouds", exploring both its allusion to a dreamy state of mind, as well as the notion of being oblivious to reality or to impending danger. The expression is especially relevant in our current culture of digitisation and information overload, where we tend to walk around with our minds absorbed in a world far away, often unavailable to give our undivided attention to the full reality in front of us. Art calls us back into the here and now, to re-connect and give deeper focus and thought to our sensory experience.


For more information:


March 1, 2022