Thomas Broomé at Galleri Hlemmur

”Locust”, Galleri Hlemmur, Reykjavik, Iceland, 5—27.4 2003

From press release:

Saturday the 5:th of April 2003 at 16.00 Thomas Broomé (Swe) opens the exhibition 'Locust' at Galleri Hlemmur Thverholti 5, Reykjavik, Iceland

Exhibition period: 5 - 27:th of April, Thu-Sun 14-18

A Locustswarm made of Coca-Cola cans!
The exhibition 'Locust' consists of over 600 grasshoppers cut-out and folded from coca-cola cans. Together with a swarm-sound moving in a three-dimensional sound-environment, The piece evokes a apocalyptic vision of a logotype multiplying in a constant hunger for profit.. A brand which has overgrown itself acting within a swarm behaviour annihilating all in it's path.

Did you know that Coca-Cola was sold in pharmacies, as a medicine?
Did you know that Coca-Cola is used for cleaning rusted nails?
Did you know that Coca-Cola is sold under the counter in Iran?
Did you know that Coca-Cola has contributed to world peace.
Did you know that Coca-Cola can be read in a mirror and then spells in Arabic: "No Muhammad No Mecca"?

For more information:

April 5, 2003